Thursday 31 October 2013

Happy Spuno'ween!

Happy Spuno'ween Spunlings!

So this is an unusual post for Uncle Spun. There were of course no coronations this week, meaning sam_reynoldsUS and richrich1991 are still our resident King's of Spun and will be until next Wednesday! Yes, that's right next Wednesday, not Tuesday. It seems that in all the furious work to fix those unspun bugs that beset us last week the Spun Engineers were a little too diligent in their safety precautions and accidentally made it impossible for Uncle Spun, or indeed the Dukes of Spun to visit Spunland. I would be most upset by missing out on the Spuno'ween festivities were it not for the fact that a few expeditionary sorties by one of our more intrepid engineers has confirmed that the bug bug fixes have indeed worked and that everyone except myself should be able to enjoy Spuno'ween safely with little chance of being cast into the unspun crash void...

The special Spumpkin Broomstick LMO reward will be available today only – so come visit Spunland, it can be found in the Shop Maze... somewhere.

Have a truly Spun Spuno'ween and Uncle Spun will see you all for next week's coronations: Whoever holds the Spun Crown at 8pm GMT on the EU servers and 3pm PST on the US servers on Wednesday the 6th of November will be the 11th Kings of Spun.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Kings of Spun the 10th and Pipeline update...

Spun Salutations! And so we reach the the 10th King's of Spun, a milestone Uncle Spun would be rejoicing of even more were it not for the unspun bugs and bogies that continue to beset us! Spun congratulations to richrich1991 the 10th EU King and sam_reynoldsUS, to whose titles we will come shortly...

The EU coronation started swimmingly enough, many of our favourite faces were present and correct as usual, although for the first 5 minutes or so none dared touch the Spun Crown, perhaps they had a premonition of what was to come. Then the claiming began. Uncle Spun saw the crown flit from CandyDragon to ZaKawiia, to richrich1991 and back. Majesty GigiZen looked on, confusing even I for a moment by wearing his very own hard won crown. It was 3 minutes to 8 when the worst crash we have yet seen struck. It seemed as though the world shook with an almighty unspun judder, and from the reactions all around Uncle Spun could tell it was not just he who was thrown unceremoniously from Spunland. Several panic stricken relocations later Uncle Spun was back, just in time to crown richrich1991 10th EU King of Spun! Congratulations Majesty! And to all of those afflicted by that crash – deep, deep apologies – especially to CandyDragon.

In North America things were busier, but strangely more stable. The coronation went without a hitch, many managed to snatch the Spun Crown for some moments, but none could thwart the steadfast resolve of sam_reynoldsUS. Congratulations Spun Majesty! Sam is the North American King of Spun for the 2nd week running, the only Spunling ever to be Majesty on both sides of the Great Atlantic and the first to be King 4 times altogether! All hail!

Today we should see the latest hard work on the Spun Engineers go live. The chief Engineer appeared here last week to say a little on this as much has been added to Spunland, which always makes us rather nervous... who knows what new unspun bugs will have crept in. He tells me that they will do their utmost to update again as soon as possible. In the meantime I must advise against riding to the sky on a Spunflower whilst you are in Underspun. If you want to take extra precautions – do not ascend on a Spunflower even after having been in Underspun (big Spun thanks ZaKawiia).

Next week the 11th King's of Spun will be those who hold the Spun Crown at 8pm BST in the EU and 3pm PST in NA on Tuesday the 29th of October. Spuno'ween will follow 2 days later. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Kings of Spun the 9th

Hello. It is a dark day at Spunland Mansions. The Chief Spun Engineer has suggested that my name be changed from Uncle Spun to Uncle Sorry. That's not exactly what he said, but it's all I can say for fear of causing offense. Yes, there were a few problems at last night's Coronations – and that during the North American ceremony was entirely my fault. I beg your pardon, especially from Majesty Sam Reynolds. The problems in Europe however were not exactly my fault, so after much heated debate the chief Spun Engineer has agreed to come here in person to 'explain'. But first to the ceremonies...

So our 9th Kings of Spun are GigiZen and sam_reynoldsUS. Spun congratulations to you – and it must be noted that both have been Kings of Spun before! Gigizen our latest EU majesty was also our first! But as with last week there was no little acrimony due to other competing spunlings falling foul of unspun crashes. Uncle Spun must consequently extend apologies and beg patience from Zakawiia and richrich1991 in particular.

In the US it was once more the mighty Sam Reynolds who took the crown, only in his US guise, which makes him the first Spunling to have been Spun Majesty in both territories! Super Spun Congratulations, and apologies again also. Uncle Spun was not in best form when he travelled across the Great Atlantic last night, the volatile nature of Spunland EU made every minute that he trailed the bearer of the Spun Crown a tension laden tribulation, a veritable fulcrum of torment! Yes, in desperate relief Uncle Spun offered the Crown to Sam, but a moment too late – the Spun Crown had just despawned, and there being no King of Spun, everything froze. Crash. Apologies. It won't happen again. At least, not like that. Promise.

And now let me introduce the chief Spun Engineer, be warned he can be somewhat uncouth and generally a little incomprehensible...

Aye, hello. Embarrassment is no something we usually have time for down in engineering, or apologies either – but eh, I hear we need to. So, sorry. There, that's that. Now the explaining bit. Some of the pipes in the darkest, smelliest parts of engineering have been there for quite a long time now, and when they were laid we had no idea what they were eventually gonna be asked to do. The thing is, since then we've grafted on all manner of new contraptions, and some of it doesny work so well wi the old pipes. Am telling you this as much as anything, 'cause next wednesday the latest upgrade work will go live, and the new spun will come flooding down them pipes and I for one am terrified. You see the latest work we've just finished was a huge job. We were working virtually round the clock to get it done, and I know that when the tap is turned there's bound to be quite a few eh... springs and leaks. Anyway – right now we're binding up our noses and heading back down to the stinky parts of the engine room to take a look at them old pipes. As soon as we possibly can we'll get the whole blinking thing upgraded – you hafta understand but, they never give us enough workers for rzzzfrrzgh...

And there you have it from the Chief Spun Engineer. Next week, on Tuesday the 22nd, whoever holds the Spun Crown at 8pm BST in the EU and 3pm PST in NA will be the 10th Kings of Spun! Hope to see you there!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Kings of Spun the 8th

Spun Salutations! Uncle Spun begs your forgiveness if this missive is a little more  befuddled than usual. Yes, the journey down the Spun Pipeline to appear for the coronations in person was a most traumatic affair. Knowing, as many of you have noticed, that the previous stage of the pipeline work had introduced 'imperfections' into Spunland, Uncle Spun feared that he would be  cast off into the ether like so many Spunling Ghosts. Praise the Spun that this did not come to pass! This time.

And so to the Coronations. Spun adulation this week goes to sam_reynolds_01, EU King of Spun for the 2nd time! and to our persistent Spun Majesty smokingpistol - NA King of Spun for the 3rd week running! Heavens above! The 8th Spun Majesties were the first to receive the Spun Crown reward, which we hope they will wear with pride. One must pass on apologies to all of our previous Spun Majesties; it seems we cannot gift this regal reward retrospectively, so can only beg you come compete again!

Talking of which - Uncle Spun did witness some altercation in the EU (and to a lesser extent in NA too) which bears note. One dedicated and fashionably dressed Spunling who he had the pleasure to meet had been in Spunland gathering Spun Points for 5 hours, only to have the Spun Crown snatched from her close to the coronation time by Sam. Uncle Spun can more than understand her frustration at being pipped to the post, but must advise against the collecting of Spun Points for so long! The Spun engineers are working day and night to bring more Spun to Spunland and catch as many of the unspun bugs that they can, but even they (if they could) would not spend so long collecting spun for fear of a mighty unspun crash! There are tactics to employ which will garner you points faster, and multipliers to get if you know where to look - but that is all one can say for now.

The North American coronation was certainly the busiest and most lively Uncle Spun has seen there yet - and for this he thanks all who were present. There were however some spun phenomena the likes of which Uncle Spun has never seen, Spunlings achieving things which, well, one would have thought impossible. At this point Uncle Spun is choosing to put this down to the carelessness of the Spun Engineers, but he has his nagging doubts especially as some dear spunling friends in the EU had that very day brought to his attention unspun events that they had witnessed. Uncle Spun dare not mention this to the management without further evidence for fear of his brother being summoned, whom the less said about, the better.

Next week the 9th Kings of Spun will be decided on Tuesday the 15th of October at 8pm BST in the EU and 3pm PST in NA. Emergency pipeline work should be completed today, so with any luck there will no longer be a crash on entering Spunland when a Storm is in progress. Should you have any unspun experiences, crashes or anything you have a burning desire to pass on please email Until next Tuesday, adieu!

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Kings of Spun the 7th & the great Spun Pipeline update

Hail Spunlings! Uncle Spun is most excited this week to relate not only the observations of his favourite coronations so far but to herald the completion of the latest Spun Pipeline improvements!

First, the Coronations. Spun congratulations this week go to majesties piratedragon, and smokingpistol. Yes, piratedragon is the 7th Spun Majesty of the EU - she and her friend and erstwhile Spun Majesty CandyDragon worked together as a most impressive team. UncleSpun was initially confused; it looked as though he'd be crowning CandyDragon again, as piratedragon stood in the sky atop a Spunflower, gazing prettily down on all of the Spun shenanigans below but appropriately (as it turns out), majestically aloof. Then at merely minutes to the coronation time she dropped down and they cleverly exchanged the Spun Crown! To say more of their tactic would be unfair, but Uncle Spun must emphasize how impressed he was and how delighted were the Spun Engineers when told of this, their grimy faces glowing with wonder at the spuntastic Spunling harmony!

In North America things were a little more competitive, but ultimately no less wondrous as for the first time we have the same King of Spun for the second week! Rather spuntastically smokingpistol managed to see off ReccaWolf and others to retain his regal title! Super Spun congratulations Majesty! Can you claim it for a third week running, and be the first in North America to receive the Spun Crown reward? Which brings me inevitably to the Spun Pipeline upgrade...

Yes it seems that the third stage of the Spun Pipeline upgrade is complete. The Spun Engineers assure me that they have managed to eradicate various unspun bugs (including one where any score over 100,000 is incorrectly displayed and another resulting in unlikely numbers of rabbits being recorded). There is a new Spun Reward added - a Spunland Relocator for the discerning Spunling's apartment, and a temporary spun point multiplier that you receive if you visit the Spunland Shop. The most significant addition however is the introduction of the Spun Crown Reward for the future King's of Spun! This exclusive regal artifact will make it's debut next Tuesday (8th October) and be granted to the 8th Kings of Spun: to whoever holds the Spun Crown at 8pm BST in the EU and 3pm PST in North America. Until then I must return to the bowel's of Spunland Mansions to heed the mutterings about Spuno'ween (spun thanks GlassReaver). See you next week!